ESG at Bank Hapoalim

ESG at Bank Hapoalim


As a leading financial organization, Bank Hapoalim is an integral part of the economy and society of Israel, and has a significant impact on the environment and community in which it operates. In view of this responsibility, the bank integrates environmental, social, and governance considerations in its business activities, for the benefit of all stakeholders; the goals of this approach include support for the social and economic growth of the State of Israel and for global efforts to cope with climate change.

The bank has been reporting on these activities since 2008 in its annual ESG report. The bank's ESG report is written in accordance with the GRI reporting standards and, as of 2021, also in accordance with SASB standards. In October 2023, the bank published its inaugural climate report (TCFD). In addition, the bank has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2010.

The activity and impact of the bank in environmental, social, and governance matters are reflected, each year, in high scores on local and international ESG ratings, positioning Bank Hapoalim with the top tier of leading banks in this field worldwide.

Summary of the key metrics for environmental, social, and corporate governance activities led by the bank in 2023


Bank Hapoalim's Green Bond

Green Bond Green Bond

Bank Hapoalim's first Green Bond issuance

Bank Hapoalim issued its first US$1 billion Tier 2 Green Bond in October 2021. The issuance of the Green Bond supported the bank’s ambition to promote financing and investments in green infrastructures and help achieve Israel's targets in the transition to a
low-carbon economy. 

In June 2022, Bank Hapoalim became the first Israeli bank ever chosen to receive an award from the Climate Bond Initiative (CBI).
CBI gave the 2021 Green Market Pioneer Award to Bank Hapoalim to mark its achievement in becoming a trailblazer for green bond issuances in Israel.

Bank Hapoalim have completed the full allocation of the amount raised by the Bank's first Green Bond within two years of the issuance and released in September 2023 the second and final Green Bond report that presents the full allocation of the proceeds to green projects that met the eligibility criteria in the Green Bond Framework and those projects’ environmental impact. 

Bank Hapoalim's Green Bond Framework

Second Party Opinion by S&P Global 

Bank Hapoalim Green Bond First Impact Report – September 2022

Bank Hapoalim Green Bond Full Allocation and Impact Report - September 2023